Reset your body and mind back into optimal health
This is a technique which has the capacity to resolve many different emotional and physical problems or conditions. BMRT is able to identify limiting beliefs or past experiences which are present in the unconscious mind which are causing detrimental negative effects.
This negative effect disrupts the chemistry of the brain resulting in feelings of anxiety or possibly causing a negative effect of the immune system resulting in physical symptoms. The client often believes because the event happened a long time ago that it is in the past and resolved, when in fact, chemically the effects of that event is still ongoing causing an imbalance in their system, possibly leading to anxiety or many other negative feelings or physical conditions.
This theory is in alignment with the work of Dr Hans Selye – General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
After identifying the limiting belief or past event which is causing this negative chemistry, through BMRT, I am then able to disconnect the original trigger/event/belief and reset the unconscious mind. Resetting the unconscious in this way means that homeostasis is restored and the client is unable to find the original negative feeling they presented with which validates that unconsciously what they previously believed was resolved was in fact unresolved.
This is a permanent reset. The technique focuses on the belief that it is the primitive Brain which is constantly being activated that causes many of the anxieties and conditions that present to many people on a daily basis.
Every client is different and every presenting condition is personal to that client therefore each client is treated individually, resolving their issues at a pace which is comfortable to them, some presenting conditions are resolved in one session and some need more layers to be resolved before complete reset can be achieved.
The majority of my clients feel improvement after even one session, improvement which is permanent, related to the context which is addressed during the session.
What is General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)?
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is a description of the process of how your body responds to stress. This was first identified by scientist Dr Hans Selye in 1946.
GAS describes the three-stage process your body goes through in response to stress. Stressors that can trigger this response can be related to psychological factors, situations, relationships, life events, or other issues. While GAS is a normal process, prolonged exposure to stress can result in physical and mental health problems.
General Adaption Syndrome (GAS) occurs in three stages:
Stage 1 – Alarm Stage:
During the first stage of GAS, your body goes into fight or flight mode. This mode is essential to protect yourself during a stressful or dangerous situation. You get a burst of energy that helps you think more critically and help effectively tackle the stressful situation at hand.
During the Alarm reaction stage, your body reacts in the following ways.
- Elevated blood pressure
- Heart rate quickens
- Pupils dilate
- Senses become heightened
- Skin flushes
(Ideally, once the stressful situation has been resolved, the body returns to normal – rest and digest.)
Stage 2 – Resistance Stage
If a stressor persists, the release of stress hormones from the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex increases, and the first-stage alarm symptoms subside, giving the appearance of a return to physiological normal functioning.
We adapt to stress over time, often quickly. As a result, we become more resistant to illness and disease. Our immune system works overtime to keep up with the demands placed on it at this time.
We become oblivious to our surroundings and believe that we can withstand the consequences of stress indefinitely. This is where the danger lies. We typically do nothing in response to stress because we believe we are immune to its effects.
If the resistance stage lasts too long, the body will remain on high alert and continue to produce stress hormones.
The following are symptoms of the resistance stage:
- Irritability
- Frustration
- Poor concentration
Stage 3 – Exhaustion Stage
If the stressor lasts longer than the body's defences can handle, the internal environment of the body (homeostatic milieu) is disturbed. Blood pressure remains high, sugar levels increase and potentially ulcers in the gastrointestinal lining.
Although no two people have the same level of stress resistance and tolerance, everyone's immunity eventually breaks down as a result of chronic stress reactions.
This is a disease of adaptation because it causes life-sustaining mechanisms to slow down, organ systems to fail, and our stress-fighting reserves to deplete.
The exhaustion stage leaves your body feeling unequipped to ward off stress. You are susceptible to developing stress-related conditions at this stage.
While general adaptation syndrome isn’t a condition that needs to be diagnosed or treated, it’s primarily a description of what happens to your body under stress. Being in a stressful state for an extended period can cause medical complications. You could develop a host of physical and medical conditions.
Some of the most common conditions that have been linked to experiencing prolonged levels of either physical or mental stress include:
- Hypertension
- Mood and anxiety disorders
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Heart disease
- Immune suppression
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Memory and cognitive problems
- Obesity
- Pain
- Diabetes Type 2
- Substance use disorders
- Feeling unable to cope
How does BMRT help?
The first 7 years of a person’s life are the most important in terms how emotionally stable or physically well a person will be in life. If these foundations were in anyway unstable (stressed), i.e. the child’s needs were not met consistently, then, using BMRT, I am able to reset the unconscious mind and reprogram in more stable foundations.
Examples of what might cause instability/stress are:
Premature baby, being brought up by a nanny/au pair or grandparent, mother was absent for a period of time, either physically – straight back to work, or emotionally – post natal depression, spending more time looking at a device instead of interacting with the child, growing up in a home where the child learnt it was unsafe to express emotions, or lost trust in their caregiver (shy). None of these examples are to aim blame, they are simply what happened, a parent doing the best they could at the time. And BMRT can help reprogram the missing parts. The effects of these resets are deeply profound. More obvious causes of instability/stress would be growing up in a household where shouting, arguing and volatility was normal, abuse, traumatic events etc.
Once these resets are in place, depending on what the presenting issue is, we aim to work through expressed stressful events. Using this technique, I am able to find out forgotten original triggers, when events happened, and disconnect the original trigger in the primitive brain, which results in a system which is calm and relaxed which previously was anxious and in fear.
Body Mind Reset Technique helps with many conditions and problems both emotional and physical. The list is extensive and I could suggest that any worry or anxiety or limiting belief could benefit from BMRT, or be resolved completely.
Examples of things that BMRT can help with:
- Improved sports performance
- Improved focus
- Confidence problems / not good enough
- Anxiety
- Anger issues
- Sleep problems
- Concentration Problems
- Learning problems
- Grief
- Trauma / Traumatic events
- Exam stress
- Bullying
- Relationship issues
- Pain post injury or surgery
- Restrictive movement post injury/surgery
- Scars
- Perfectionism
- Hoarding
- Fears
It is widely known and accepted that we are born with only two fears, loud noises and falling backwards. Therefore, the other anxieties or fears we live with are either learned through a personal event that happened or learned from someone else. Based on this knowledge I look for the origin of the installation of the presenting problem and with application of BMRT I am able to disconnect the original trigger in the primitive brain which results in a system which is calm and relaxed which previously was anxious and in fear.
The initial session with me is two hours, incorporating an extensive intake, the technique is applied, therefore resulting in positive change in the first session. Some problems may be fully resolved in one session and others may require that deeper layers are resolved and reset before we can achieve the calm relaxed safe feeling the client is looking for. Subsequent appointments are one hour and all appointments are done online, over zoom, meaning wherever you are in the world, you can benefit from BMRT.
It is impossible for me to say how many sessions a client needs with me. That really depends on the life they have had, the traumas they have experienced, the limiting beliefs they wish to work with and what they want to achieve.
We are unable to prove in any scientific way, at this point in time, of what we believe is happening, is happening. And you can see from the testimonials below from my clients, validates for me and for them, the success of this treatment through their own personal experience.
I have tried many types of treatments and I can honestly say, with BMRT I can feel the difference, I feel different, I am noticing how I would have previously behaved and now noticing how I behave differently, I avoid jumping into the drama, whereas previously I was unconsciously drawn to it. I feel more grounded and rooted and stable, I have confidence in my decisions and all of this is new to me! I highly recommend everyone having some BMRT sessions, even if it’s just to understand how your mind works, it’s really fascinating work and I’m looking forward to see what else can change.
I have found Amanda’s BMRT sessions eye-opening and powerful and as a result have started to see some positive results.
I had broken my little toe by accidently kicking the ironing board. It was so painful I screamed silently. It was extremely painful for a few days I was unable to walk normally. The swelling went down and I was able to walk pain free whilst barefoot. This was great as I live in Spain near the beach. However, I was taking a trip to Edinburgh and I was unable to put a solid shoe on, I could wear my sandals with socks, but I couldn’t wear anything which encased my foot, it was 12*C and raining! Every time I tried to wear a proper shoe, I couldn’t stand the sensation and pain, I just couldn’t bear the thought of putting my shoe on without feeling sick. Luckily Amanda was there and she said she could help. We did some BMRT and within minutes I got up and put my shoe on, without any pain, discomfort, or feeling sick, I just put my shoe on normally like I always had, and yet I couldn’t do that 5 minutes beforehand. I couldn’t believe it! I was also aware I was nervous about walking past any object or piece of furniture and cringing with the thought that I could have hit my foot again. All of these thoughts just disappeared. I don’t know what happened but I know it worked. Incredible, thank you so much!